Track season started last week. Kaiden's team came in 1st place in the 4X400M relay. Kaiden was the anchor in the race.
All first place winners received a shirt. He looks so happy.
Track season started last week. Kaiden's team came in 1st place in the 4X400M relay. Kaiden was the anchor in the race.
All first place winners received a shirt. He looks so happy.
Holiday Program
Gavin had was in his school's Holiday program in early November. Such a handsome boy!
Tito's Birthday
Tito turned 80! We had a big party to celebrate. His sister, Margie, her husband, Roger, and Tito's brother, Ricky flew in from California and Carrie came in from New York to be with him on his big day.
Tito wanted tapas and desserts for his birthday. We had friends, family and neighbors. Rylan and Gavin were so excited that so many people came. They asked if the entire neighborhood was coming and went out to count how many cars were at our house. We had a great time.
Kaiden started playing basketball in December.This is the only picture I have from Christmas Eve. We traded gifts, played the left-right game for silly presents, played a hilarious game of I Spy With My Little Eye during dinner. It was a great day.