Sunday, June 28, 2009
Leaps and Bounds
Tito and I have noticed BIG changes in Kaiden the past two weeks. He is changing so fast. He is noticing so much more around him and is so active. Grabbing for things - like Tito's glasses and Gram's glass. He is constantly in motion when he is awake.
Rolling around on the floor, lifting himself up. (sorry about the quality of the pic - have no idea why it is so grainy)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Where did the time go?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My Son, the Father
This is Nathan and Kaiden in 2009
There is something just a little surreal thinking of my son as a father. But watching him makes me so proud. He is so much in love with this little boy and his wife. Happy Father's Day, my Son!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
100th Post
My 100th post and I gather it is a tradition to make a list of 100 random things about yourself so here is my list of 100 random things :
- I have a strong faith in God which is how I survive everyday
- God has blessed me with a wonderful, crazy family
- I could never have imagined how wonderful being a Grandmother (Gram) is until I became one
- God has blessed me with many dear friends
- My favorite colors are blue and purple
- My favorite flower is a tulip
- But I also love iris, columbines, hollyhocks, cosmos, sunflowers, zinnias - I love flowers
- My favorite meal is fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans (very seldom eat it anymore because it is fried and see #9)
- I cannot make fried chicken to match my mother's
- I am the youngest of 5 - I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters; my husband is the oldest of 5 - he has 3 brothers and 1 sister
- Although I was never told, I was an unplanned child - my closest sibling is 12 years and 1 day older than I am
- My mother turned 43 the day after I was born
- I have 2 nieces who are 15 months younger than I am - they never called me Aunt
- I was named after my paternal grandmother
- I love being in my garden - flowers and vegetables
- I find pulling weeds relaxing
- Easter is my favorite holiday
- Spring is my favorite season
- I do not like bananas or raw tomatoes
- I do eat raw tomatoes on a BLT - go figure
- I am not fond of peanut butter, pineapple or lamb
- When I was pregnant I craved peanut butter - go figure
- I like my hot dogs cooked black on the grill
- I don't like anything else burned - go figure
- The joy of seeing Kaiden born was indescribable
- Giving birth is easier than watching someone you love give birth (I can't imagine how hard it was for her mother)
- I love black licorice
- I have never been out of Colorado for more than 2 weeks at a time in my whole life
- That fact won me a door prize as the most unusual fact at a church gathering
- I have used an ATM machine only once and that was an emergency and with my son's card
- I am hooked on Dancing With The Stars
- My family sang songs all the time - while camping, in the car, while working
- I was an adult before I knew most of us are tone deaf
- I tried out for solos in choir all the time
- I was always made narrator
- I want to be able to sing beautiful notes - like my friends Suzanne and Yvonne
- I broke my arm when I was 8 doing something I wasn't supposes to do. I didn't tell anyone and walked around with a broken arm for almost 2 weeks because I didn't want to get into trouble. I got into trouble anyway!
- My high school graduation class had 33 people
- I took a trip the year I turned 50 with 2 of my girlfriends from high school - we had a blast
- We tried to recreate some of the things we did when we were 18 - we decided not to do a Chinese Fire Drill - traffic lights aren't as long as they used to be!
- My first college class had more people than was in our entire school K-12
- I believe life is too short for bad coffee
- My husband is addicted to Starbucks, but will drink gas station coffee, or warmed over coffee and yet turns his nose up at my iced coffee - go figure
- Our faith in God, our friends and a wonderful caring doctor brought us through my husbands cancer operations and the following chemo
- I truly believe our life is better now - God had this plan for us
- David has been cancer free for 3 years
- It was very hard for me to move from our old house - I loved my gardens
- I am having a good time planting new gardens at our new home
- I enjoy playing Bunco once a month with a great group of women
- I enjoy our Women's Group at church - we always have a good time
- I enjoy Martinis - gin
- I enjoy having dinner with John & Janice, Gary & Vivien and playing games afterwards - especially Mexican Train
- I enjoy the laughing we always do when we get together
- I enjoy playing games of all kinds
- I enjoy sewing
- I learned to sew on a treadle sewing machine - the only machine my mother ever had - I have it now but do not use it
- I enjoy knitting
- I enjoy crocheting
- I love to read - especially mystery novels
- I love the Jan Karon's Mitford series
- I read the last Harry Potter book in a day
- I do not like to drink water, I would rather drink Diet Coke or coffee
- I especially like vanilla Diet Cokes or Diet Coke with fresh lime
- I like to hang my laundry outside to dry - especially the sheets
- I went to Pioneer Girl summer camp every year from 3rd grade to 8th grade
- I won scholarships to go every year by completing Sunday School lessons, memorizing scripture, songs and extra credit assignments
- I always signed up for extra credit assignments - in Sunday School and at school
- I am somewhat of an over achiever (my friends are laughing) (Note to Janice and Vivien - I wrote this before we went to Estes)
- I do not like to be wrong (my family is nodding in agreement)
- I do not like to lose
- Most people I know would find this hard to believe, but I am basically shy - but not as much as I used to be
- I do not like surprises
- I like to plan surprises
- I have never been surprised by a birthday party - several have been planned, but I have always known about them before
- I am not nosy, I am observant - there is a difference
- I am also very curious
- I like word puzzles (crosswords, cryptograms, etc)
- I like jigsaw puzzles
- I can add numbers quickly in my head
- This is probably why I am usually the scorekeeper when we play games
- I love tea towels and am tempted to buy all the cute ones I see - so I have too many
- I love note cards and thank you cards and am tempted to buy all the cute ones I see - so I have too many
- I like to send thank you cards and love to receive them
- I keep most of my thank you cards - they make me smile
- I am not good at sending other kinds of cards - birthday, anniversary, get well, etc.
- I have always had a love/hate relationship with my hair - I love the color, but fight the natural curl
- I do not like talking on the phone
- My least favorite household chore is vacuuming
- I do not have the vacuum very much anymore since David retired - he cleans!
- I do like cleaning closets
- I do not like to drive
- I like dragonflies
- I always use cloth napkins, even on a picnic, even for a cookout on the patio
- I never use paper plates or cups or plastic silverware
- I have been bitten by dogs 3 times in my life
- My mother initials before she was married and her 3 siblings initials spelled words - HOT, GET, ANT and RAT - I always found this fascinating
- I am strange like that
- I never knew my grandparents - 3 of them died before I was born and 1 died when I was 2
- My son only had one grandparent - 3 of them died before he was born
- I love lists - I make them just to be able to cross things off - I save certain lists as reminders of events in my life (see #97)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I was able to get into my yard Saturday morning and work. It has been raining almost every evening when I get home from work that I haven't been able to get outside and play. I was surprised that there weren't more weeds than there were, but there was plenty to do. I cut the spent blossoms from my Columbines and Roses, deadheaded the flowers in my pots. I yanked mint. I try to do this once a week to keep it from overtaking surrounding plants and it had been almost 3 weeks! With all the rain and the cooler weather the mint and my rhubarb have gone crazy.
This is my glass flower with water reflecting the sun, so pretty!
This is the rhubarb before and the pile of rhubarb I cut. I made two crisps - one for our Father's Day dinner and one for our church's 30th anniversary celebration on Sunday. I still have plenty to make more.
The garden isn't doing as well, it needs some warmer nights for the peppers, squash, cukes and tomatoes to really do well. My beets and turnips are doing great - I will probably be able to make greens this coming weekend. We are supposed to have drier, warmer weather starting tomorrow, so maybe things will take off.

I saw a post on His Doorkeeper with a warning that her post was a "shameless array of pictures" of her granddaughter. Well that's what this post is - a shameless display of the little boy who has stolen our hearts.
Sometimes he looks so much like Stacy and other times he looks so much like Nathan that it takes my breath away. Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Fathers Day
Yes, we do now Father's Day is next Sunday, but at our house it was yesterday. We try to celebrate holidays a day or so early so the kids can go to their other families or just stay at home. We remember how hectic it can be going to different families, especially with small children, and sometimes would have welcomed the chance to just stay at home! We normally would have celebrated next Friday or Saturday, but Tito left today for his annual camping/fishing trip with his brothers and will be gone and Dave will be out of town (he wasn't able to be there this week as it turned out - we missed you).
Tito wanted a family picture, so this is it! We were able to take them before the rain came. We are having an unusually wet spring and I know later on we will be wanting rain, but it sure would be nice to have a nice day!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Study of Contrasts
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Marilynn & Alma
Watch Out!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Four Months
Kaiden is 4 months old today. I drive down the street past his house twice a day - on the way to work and one the way home - and use great restraint to not stop. Tonight I stopped. He is 4 months old and I won't see him this weekend (we are going to the mountains with Gary, Vivien, John and Janice - more on that later). He was in his jammies and smiling - until I turned on the camera.
I brought him a little gift.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Glass Flower
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Tonight Show
Tito and I have had a tradition of watching The Tonight Show on Monday nights to see Jay Leno's Funny Headlines. I was very sad last week to see Jay Leno sign off and know Conan O'Brien was taking over. I am not a huge Conan fan, but decided to watch tonight just to give it a chance. I thought the montage of him running across the country was cute as was the Universal Studio tour, but I'm not sold.
Vegetable Garden
Tito looking at the plants coming up in our vegetable garden. The plants that are visible our tomatoes and peppers which we bought at the nursery. Our beans, squash, cucumbers, beets and pumpkins are all up. Everything is so small right now - it is hard to imagine that in little over a month we will have items to give away and I will be trying to find room in the freezer for things!
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