Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lest I Forget

He has said so many cute and funny things this year and every time I hear one of them I think I should write that down before I forget.  Well, I haven't and I know I have forgotten some good things, but I have remembered some.

Last summer he kept calling rhubarb, rhubark.

Instead of saying I'll be right back, he says I'll be rue back.

He was playing horsey with one of my brooms and would say getmeup not gittey up.

I hope I always remember:

how he told me Santa says Ho Ho Ho (in his deepest voice),

how he told me I looked pretty and had flowers on my funny pants (it was a skirt),

how he sounds saying The Lord's Prayer,

the excitement in his voice when he talks about my house, my beautiful bathroom, my MaMa, my DaDa (this one big guy's my DaDa.

I hope I remember everything, but I know I won't, so I need to write more things down.  To jog my memory.  For the day he towers over me like his DaDa.


grammy said...

Loved those Christmas pictures1
I wish I would have rote down more stuff they said.

Tonja said...

Oh, this is the sweetest post! You are so smart for taking the time to remember those things and to record them. Isn't it wonderful that we have blogs to document pictures and sayings and meltdowns and all the rest. One day, I think they will be a legacy for our families!

Loved the cute monkey fabric...can't wait to see all you do with it! Monkeys seem to be quite the rage now in kids things.

Hope your New Year is off to a great start! And, next time...YOU stay home and have a playdate!