Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We took Kaiden to the zoo last week.  It was a beautiful day.
Our tour guide found all the animals on the map, but couldn't understand why we couldn't see the elephants - they were on the map after all.  The zoo has built a new elephant exhibit which is supposed to be wonderful, but it wasn't opened yet and was blocked from view.
We did find the giraffes,
and flamingos,
and a river otter (it is hard to see, but there are 2 of them),
and this peacock kindly put on a show for us.
But riding the tiger was probably his favorite even though it was his second choice.  The train was not working. 

I forgot to change the settings on the camera before giving it to Tito, so all the pictures are blurry, but you can still see his big smile.

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

What a fun time and the pictures look good to me. I especially like the flamingos and giraffes.