Saturday, November 9, 2019

Dump It Truck

We gave Gavin this garbage truck for his birthday or as he calls it a dump it truck.  We also took him to the museum and had a picnic for his day out with just us.  He rode all the way to and from with it on his lap and wanted to take it in.

All the boys had fun playing with it.  A few weeks before his birthday we had gone to the City's Touch a Truck event and he was not happy with the dump it truck because it wasn't the same color as the one that comes to take his trash.  Luckily this one is, but the trash can that came with it is yellow but his is green.  He seems to be okay with that.

He is obsessed with the garbage truck.  We have to go and wait for it as soon as he hears it coming and he says Hi dump it truck when it comes to his house and waves to the driver who always waves back and sometimes toots his horn.

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