Sunday, June 9, 2024

Catch Up


I can't believe I didn't get pictures of our Easter celebration this year.  We had our traditional egg and basket hunt.  Stacy found the melted egg and won the special prize ($5 this year).


Kaiden continued to run track and improve his time at each meet.  He had his best time at the last week which was enough to put him #4 on his school's list for 800 meters.

He also earned his letter.  It was fun to watch him improve over the season and see him so happy doing this sport.

Field Day

Rylan's field day was more like play at the park day with parents and grandparents invited.

He had a great time running and playing with his friends.

Gavin's field day had some new activities other than the ones they had since Kaiden was in kindergarten.

They had to hold onto the bar for as long as they could.

They had to run around the circle when their color was called.

Mother's Day

We had a great day eating lunch and playing games.  Just what I wanted.

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